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Showing posts from August, 2023

Red Ruthless Ginyu Tournament Report

Greetings fellow DBZ addicts! This article is coming at you hot on the heels of my undefeated (spoilers) run in the most recent OCTGN League Tournament, hosted by the handsome, skilled and generous Kevin Dennis. I really appreciate the work he did to make this tournament happen, and I am grateful to the devs and other community organizers for everything they do to give us opportunities to hang out with one another and play this stupid, beautiful game.      Before my first match against Kelly Dennis, he asked “Why Ruthless?” In early testing with the Universal Clash expansion, I was most excited to play Red style because of the incredible new toys it received. Red Distracting Shot , Sundering Strike and Charged Beam are all wildly powerful cards, and I wanted to play all of them in a single deck. However, try as I might, I could not escape the fact that Relentless Mastery was relentlessly terrible. In every single game I played, I found myself wishing I was using Ruthl...